13 days with IPv6 enabled

I am now for exactly 13 days IPv6 ready. Ok, there are not many websites out what you can use on IPv6. The biggest one probably I know is a german IT news portal www.heise.de. No problems so far. As I wrote in my initial blog "on day…

IPv6 @ home!

I setup yesterday IPv6 via 6to4 with tunnel from Hurricane Electric. It just works. I still have to do some tweaks like as I am using a dynamic IP, the tunnel will go down when my IP changes. I also need to do a couple of other minor things. It…

Using a DNSSEC enabled resolver

PrefaceI am up for more. I am generally very thisty for the "new things out there". So after successfully enabling IPv6 from yesterday's post I was thinking "hey there is already DNSSEC out there - let me use it". First things firstOn here is a site whether your resolvers supports…

Your online RSS reader at hand - Tiny Tiny RSS

I have to admit, I have never used Google Reader for reading online RSS. No, and I dont want to go into details here. I am a happy user of Tiny Tiny RSS. Andrew Dolgov released on the 21st of December version 1.5.0. A fancy AJAX interface lets…

Today's links

Cloud Security - Imperva Data Security BlogResearcher Publishes Method for Bypassing Flash Local-with-filesystem Sandbox | threatpostdigiKam 2.0.0 Beta 1 adds face recognition - The H Open Source: News and Features8 of the best Linux password managers | News | TechRadar UKThe 2.6.37 kernel is out [LWN.net]How to…

Using TrueCrypt

I had it on my list "to look at" for a long time and finally I found some time to look at this. TrueCrypt gives you the ability to either create an encrypted partition, or to create a file on any partition which contains an encrypted filesystem aka "Container". So…