Reading a lots on the Net? Here is something for you.

If you read a lots of articles on the Internet, you are usually easily distracted. There are flashing/moving adverts, the text might not be the best size or even the background is chosen poorly. Have a look at Readability. Their slogan is "Transform any article into a clean, comfortable…

Horde, SyncML and my Nokia N900

A long time back when I started using Horde primarily for emails I noticed they support a feature called "SyncML", an open synchronization standard. Now I just picked up on that again, as I wanted to synchronize my N900 with the contacts, calender and tasks. I installed SyncEvolution on my…

Firefox Sync just rocks!

If you have a problem like I had "what was that site again, let's check the browser history..." and after wasting a couple of minutes realizing "it was not this computer, it is still open on my laptop", you really dont want to experience this again. Or you have a…

Make your IPv6 accessible website known out there

Dont forget, make your website accessible via IPv6 and submit them here: - (Update 7th March 2014: doesn't work any more)It might be worth considering to make your already IPv6 enabled website accessible only…

Your IPv6 address is static

Yeah, at the moment (will that change in future?) your IPv6 address (as it is most likely done via a 6in4 tunnel in your place) is a static one. Just read that again. Just something mindboggling about the address space: I have a /64 range locally. Thats about as much…

Test your IPv6 connection

I just came across with the World IPv6 day on the 8th of June 2011 an IPv6 connectivity testing website. Its great. I got 10 out of 10 for dual stack, and 10 out of 10 with IPv6 only. I am ready. Let it come. I am gonna embrace it.…